Image Processing And Computer Vision In Boston: Speaking Is A Desired Option


Last September, I told you about two upcoming meetings of the then-embryonic Boston Image Processing and Computer Vision Group (BIPCVG). With apologies for the short notice, it's time to pass along notification about the group's next get-together, Wednesday the 16th of January at 7PM at the Cambridge Innovation Center 5th Floor, Havana Conference Room, One Broadway, Cambridge, MA. Food and drinks will be provided by Embedded Vision Alliance member MathWorks, and the evening's agenda is dominated by a series of 5-10 minute "Lightning Talks". As the group's organizers state on the event page:

You can talk about anything you think may interest the Boston Image Processing and Computer Vision Group.

As of the time of this post's publication, five of six available "Lightning Talk" spots were filled. If you're interested in volunteering to speak in the remaining timeslot, please email group organizer Youssef Rouchdy for more details.

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